Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From a very delighted mom....

From Hanizawati, mommy to Hambali, 10 months

Our family loves the Baby Signs(R) Program. It is not just a way to communicate with our soon to be 10-month old baby but it's a game to our 5 year old boy too. Additionally, my elder boy is learning ABC signing which I know by heart.

We started off with words like :- Papa, Mama, Milk (Nenen), Sleep, More, Lion, Where, Come, Eat, Bye-Bye, Play, Love (Sayang) & Cannot.

Hambali signed 'Milk' at 7 months + for a month, signed 'Bye-bye' at 9 months & I think he signed 'Eat' to his Grandma yesterday and though Grandma was unsure he stopped making a fuss once he was fed. For the rest of the words, he understands what they are. He is also already saying 'Papa' & 'Mama' clearly....not just mumbling and knows who he is calling.

Currently, we're adding more words like:-'Book', 'Car', 'Moon', 'Fan', 'Bird', 'Cat',' Butterfly' & 'Water'